Decline (engl. dahinschwinden)
In den Raunächten zwischen den Jahren überkommt den Musiker zuweilen der Gedanke an das Verlöschen des Lebens. Schnee, Kälte und Dunkelheit korrespondieren dabei in ungeahnter Weise mit der weltpolitischen Lage, mit nicht enden wollender Kriegstreiberei, Zivilisationsversagen, Demokratiezerstörung und einem fatalen Antihumanismus. So gesehen, schwindet in Decline nicht nur das individuelle Leben dahin, sondern auch das kollektive.
Open your heart, let it burn in hot fire
Tear it apart, find a new to hire
Open your mind and throw it into burning flames
Leave it behind, then try to be clear of blame
Surrender your soul, give it up and let it fly
Your final goal is to break down and to die
See the sparrows dance in the dusk of a busy day
Watch their withering glance when you start to fade away
Just decline, fade away into silence
Feel the spine that bores a hole so deep inside of your heart
Spill the wine, release it’s core by violence
Really being free means to dissipate
In a sea of death, this is your fate
Now the time has come for the dying ones to decline
See the sparrows dance in the dusk of a busy day
Watch their withering glance when you start to fade away
Give up your life, stop hanging on that stupid breath
Wave down your drive, slow down and face your death
Get rid of the load, you have gathered in so many years
Step into the boat, cross the river without no tears
Text & Musik: Frank Spatzier 2024