Crisis Blues

Krisen durchziehen unser Leben, innerliche wie äußerliche. Zurzeit sind es besonders die nicht enden wollenden und tendenziell eskalierenden äußerlichen Krisen, die sich auch auf das Seelenleben der Menschen auswirken. Dieses Lied handelt von möglichen Bewältigungsstrategien in dieser Situation der Multikrise. Über ihre Funktionalität lässt sich freilich trefflich streiten…

The beauty of a day, what’s coming after?

Will there be a chance for suicide?

Do you feel the pain under braying laughter?

Will there be a life you can deny?

Right outside the box the leaves are falling

Raindrops kiss the ground on muddy soil

When you hold your breath demons are calling

They want to feel you burn  on an lattice coil

Hold on, for it might be the last time living so guarded

Keep out of the gates of night

Be aware there’s a new kinda life of dying has started

So why do you fight for to break down your fright  

There’s no hope in sight but even some clues for the Crisis Blues 

Are the finally gone, those times of levity?

Will they dissolve in a sweet decay?

Everything fades and even gravity

Is loosing its sense to your dismay

Where is a good tree to help you hanging

Stepping out of life can make you free

The fibers of the rope are slightly twanging

Smothering in pain for to release


Be tough, for it might be the last time sleeping so quiet

Keep in mind the fields of green

Stick it out when all the things you love now   start to run riot

Text, Musik, Illustration, Beitragsfoto: Frank Spatzier 2023 / 24